04.23-25.10 new york city

1: call Kalle.
2: thank you T!
3: hard to believe we are in the west village...
4: walking around at night...

NY : Deux semaines et demie !

1 : The fancy art-deco elevator door of the hotel of Mr and Mrs Kato in NY !
2 : The entrance of their new home on Waverly Place.
3 : A happy framed dog !
4 : How to make babies.
5 : One of the Lavazza sets in Milan !

04.22.10 milan

1: for tomoko : they had really nice stationary...and the card keys had envelopes in deep blue.
2: for dad: your bag should get a mileage card.

New York - Milan !

1 : Arrived in Milan, thanks to the volcano to let me through. My favorite shirt, well taken care of by the Hotel Principe de Savoia.

2 : Just before leaving NY, lazzy cats !

3 : In the Meatpacking area, italian chocolate and glasses. Like if needed glasses to locate chocolate...

4 : At the begining of Prince st, a newspaper store with a new magazine out : Grey !

New York, day 3-4.

1 : Tulips from Tomoko to keep me company while working at my desk. Merci !
2 : Strange wig in the courtyard.
3: Even if we miss again the cherry blossom in Japan, I have a little here...

New York, day 2

1: new wheels to get around town !
2-3: meeting at the New York Times Magazine.
4-5: city and not-so-city.

04.12.10 charles de gaulle airport

1: the new Air France airbus that is flying mister Beard to New York .
bon voyage cedre!

04.12.10 paris

1&2 : walking abi this morning, the canal was showing all the signs of spring.

04.11.10 paris

1: discovered {miss cupcake} cupcakes in Montmartre while strolling through the neighborhood...
2: met Nadege's sweetheart, Lola (2 weeks old) who was wearing a pair of very nice 1969 baby gap jeans.


04.08.10 milan

1: mister Beard in Milan with the bag he inherited from papa K.


04.07.10 sncf

1: training it back to Paris with mister b's god daughter bianca.
one feeding the baby, the other making the father some milky coffee. Times have certainly changed...
2: sleeping peacefully with her soft friend.


04.06.10 guethary

1: abi's water bowl at Les Freres Ibarboure.
2: the colors in our entree of foie gras maison was a palette of spring garden pastels, with notes of strawberry, figue, apple...

thank you to mom and dad for offering this dinner to us !!!!


04.03.10 biarritz

1&2: thunder grey skies and a messy ocean this day. The weather in the basque countryside is unpredictable and full of surprises.